Friday, July 29, 2011

I begin..

Yes...I begin as a blogger today..something which I had longed for since ages !! Making the initial attempt  is no big a deal..however, people like me do make it a herculean task !! But today..on this fine friday evening..i finally come up with my first, real writing maiden blog !! Trust feels awsome :)

I cannot be an excellent punner as Chetan Bhagat neither a super great philosopher like Paulo Coelho ...infact through my posts I'll be experimenting myself and discover my own genre !!

I 've no clue about  what and when is my future post going to be, but right now, the only thing that holds weight for me is, I do have a blogger URL now and I am currently writing my first ever blog..!!

I wondered when will I begin...and now I have and with the hope of coming up with something new very soon ..i sign-off as of now !! Good-bye :)